1. Donauwellen

Am Wasserpark 1
3430 Tulln
Undulating waves artificially formed from hills set a large lawn in motion. Blue iris bands nestle in the green troughs of the waves. They form a minimalist garden as a reference to the nearby Danube River.
2. Schmetterlingsgarten

Am Wasserpark 1
3430 Tulln
In this garden, butterflies and their caterpillars in particular, but also other insects, find a diverse range of food. The garden is divided into different areas of life, from the colorful meadow to a nectar-rich herbaceous bed to wild bushes. When selecting the plants, the butterfly caterpillars were not forgotten and plants were specifically selected for them. A seat in the shade invites you to linger.
3. Garten im Klimawandel

HBLFA Schönbrunn
Grünbergstrasse 24
1130 Wien
Our summers and winters are becoming increasingly rainy. Designing with drought-resistant plants is therefore forward-looking because it makes it easier to use the precious resource of water sparingly. The HBLFA Schönbrunn, Austria's only higher educational institution for horticulture, has been working on the selection of suitable shrubs and perennials for the Pannonian climate for many years.
We are looking for attractive plants that require little water. They usually thrive in well-drained, poor soil. Perennials from the Pannonian steppe such as dwarf iris, roughleaf aster and pasqueflower only require irrigation in extremely dry phases. A multi-stemmed field maple and a Tibetan cherry also provide shade in addition to their attractive foliage, and the cornelian cherry heralds the start of spring blossom. Next is the Judas tree with the flower, which noticeably comes directly from the trunk or branches. In late summer, the blue rue produces blue flower tones. Instead of the usual lawns, a gravel lawn was sown.
4. Gold & Silber

Staudengärtnerei Hameter
Werthfeldstrasse 33
3414 Baumgarten
This garden impresses with its easy-care planting concept for lazy gardeners. This contemporary gravel garden shows that even when reduced to two leading colors with nuances, a splendor of colors can be created. Lean substrate and mineral gravel mulch characterize the extraordinary appearance. They are partly responsible for the extensive care, high stability and pronounced winter hardiness of the plants used.
5. Holz.Dach.Gärten

Fricke Gründächer & Gartengestaltung
Reichergasse 90
3411 Klosterneuburg
Greening roofs is an ecologically valuable compensation for built-up areas. Especially in urban areas, this not only creates a new home for flora and fauna, but also a welcome green oasis for people. Roof pitch and load capacity determine the possible floor structure and thus the spectrum of use.
When choosing plants, in addition to ornamental value and benefits, frost hardiness, drought tolerance and urban climate resistance are also important. The medlar, strikingly accompanied by torch lilies, was chosen for the living area with deep plant troughs. Fragrant roses, rock pears, climbing plants and flowering bushes are also impressive.
Grasses, perennials, tea and culinary herbs are used on the roof surfaces. The steep roofs are decorated with robust perennials such as thyme, lavender and yellow garlic. The use of wood, especially local oak, creates a homely atmosphere. It is an excellent alternative to tropical wood and is durable, robust and versatile. Even a small pool is of course made from this great material.
6. Heckentanz

Am Wasserpark 1
3430 Tulln
The bright foliage of the hornbeams contrasts delicately with the dark foliage of the privet. Strictly cut into shape, the hedge bodies dare to do a lively dance on the green lawn tableau. Ornamental grasses move lightly and gently as their elegant companions.
7. Klein aber fein

Am Wasserpark 1
3430 Tulln
Often, too little attention is paid to the area between the street and the house, even though this space can be used wonderfully. The garden team at DIE GARTEN TULLN shows a suggestion for the best possible use. A seating area, natural stone as a path surface and spherical trees set accents in this garden. A garden shed and a wooden structure for garbage cans - both with green roofs - have also found space.
8. Kletterpflanzengarten

Am Wasserpark 1
3430 Tulln
Whatever is available can be used as a climbing aid: trees, fences, pergolas or any other form of support. This garden proves that art objects can also be the goal for plants when striving for something higher.
Tunnels reinforce the perspective effect of the crossroads and water is being diligently saved in the center of the foreground: the perennials and grasses tolerate heat and dryness very well and thus show the diverse visual possibilities of adapting to climate change. Natural stone slabs ensure that they can also be viewed up close.
9. 60 Minuten Garten

HBLA Sitzenberg
Schlossbergstraße 4
3454 Sitzenberg
The “60 Minuten Garten” is particularly easy to care for and is an inspiration for people who have little time to devote to their oasis of well-being on their doorstep. With an average workload of 60 minutes per week, this garden shines in wonderful splendor. The garden enchants with elements that give nature space and at the same time save time when it comes to care: a natural hedge, a bordered lawn bed, berry bushes or native perennials that are suitable for the location save a lot of time when pruning. A natural slatted wall saves the need for regular painting and the natural pond remains independently in balance as a living ecosystem.
10. Naturapotheke

Österreichische Apothekerkammer
Spitalgasse 31
1090 Wien
Rediscover natural remedies: The Austrian Chamber of Pharmacists has built a garden here in which over 80 different medicinal herbs are presented. The herb beds are designed according to topics such as the cardiovascular system, digestive system and nervous system. The viewer is provided with a lot of old and new knowledge about how medicinal plants work and how they are prepared. The spectrum ranges from plants that are at least known by name, such as valerian or wormwood, to rarer herbs such as small-flowered willowherb, angelica or goat's rue. Poisonous plants such as belladonna or foxglove are also part of the pharmaceutical spectrum and are therefore presented in a safe manner.
Also try planting some of these medicinal herbs in your garden.
11. Regenwurmgarten

VERMIGRAND Regenwurmfarm
Kremser Straße 63
3462 Absdorf
The earthworm garden shows the importance of the natural cycle for the natural garden. By using earthworm humus you can not only feed plants, but also sustainably improve soil life and soil structure.
Composting garden and kitchen waste reduces the need for fertilizer and pesticides in the garden. The earthworms help with this even if there is no possibility of a compost heap in the garden.
The worm composting box can also be conveniently set up indoors or you can purchase ready-made earthworm humus directly from Alfred Grand. Because earthworm humus is more than just fertilizer!
12. Holz(Räume)
proHolz Niederösterreich
Arbeitsgemeinschaft der niederösterreichischen Holzwirtschaft
Wirtschaftskammer-Platz 1
3100 St. Pölten
In the center of the garden there are terraces with different types of wood and heights as well as two raised beds. C-shaped modules form a spatial boundary at the edge. The center is bordered and bordered with garden thresholds.
A former pool on the edge of these wooden areas now forms a quiet lounge area with seating, in the edge areas of which the soil has been unsealed and perennials are allowed to grow there again.
The edge areas with garden thresholds lead to a direct transition to the neighboring garden, which is also dedicated to the wood theme. Their planting suggests a forest as the place of origin of the wood. The raised beds contain herbs for the garden kitchen, selected perennials and a silk tree prominently in the middle.
13. Kompetenzzentrum Gartenbau

Gärtnervereinigung NÖ
Wiener Straße 64
3100 St. Pölten
Lower Austria's professional gardeners are primarily concerned with the cultivation, propagation, care and sale of plants. Spring flowers, bulbous plants and summer flowers are the territory of the ornamental gardener. The nursery gardeners are specialists in roses, fruit trees, ornamental trees and ornamental shrubs, with shrubs that bloom “almost” all year round to delight visitors.
Newcomers and gardening professionals are competently supported in choosing the right plants and planting suggestions with lesser-known plants are presented. It is also important to present the wide variety of herbs.
For several years now, the central bed area in front of the glass house has been showing how the world of summer flower planting can be optimized. After many years of testing, blooming summer flowers, which offer a wide range of pollen and nectar for bees, bumblebees and butterflies in the long term, have now been developed into a marketable product as a ready-to-plant combination.
14. Gemüsegarten quer gedacht

"Natur im Garten"
Am Wasserpark 1
3430 Tulln
This model garden offers a family many ideas for "planting, harvesting and enjoying." The heart of the plant is the mixed-culture vegetable beds, either as a crop rotation in the form of combinable modular beds or the equally easy-to-learn ABC of mixed culture.
Common and rare culinary herbs, vegetable rarities, edible flowering plants, fruit trees, vegetable teepees, permaculture corners and cold frames for heat-sensitive plants are not missing, as are raised beds, composting area and demonstrations of vegetable and fruit winter storage. A garden for all senses. Bon appetit!
15. Bauerngarten

"Natur im Garten"
Am Wasserpark 1
3430 Tulln
Cheerfully colorful, colorful and lush, romantic, nostalgic and charming, the cottage garden presents itself as a "paradise garden" that combines aesthetic demands and naturalness and creates a pleasant combination of utility and beauty.
The clear, geometric basic shapes are taken from medieval monastery gardens. In addition to Christian symbolism, the wayside cross also contains practical aspects. Along these central axes, the beds are easily accessible for planting, tending and harvesting. The inner borders along the fence are allocated to vegetables and soft fruits.
In order to be able to impart this and much more knowledge, a barn with ascending rows of seats was built in which lectures, workshops and seminars can be held in any weather. Under the rows of seats, in a separate room, all sorts of sights on the theme of natural gardens inspire the spirit of discovery. Interesting facts can be found in the hut right next to the circular route.
16. NÖN Lesegarten

Gutenbergstraße 12
3100 St. Pölten
What could be more natural than to linger in the NÖN reading garden, unwind and enjoy reading under the shady trees - be it flowery poetry, an exciting book or your NÖN! Right in the center of the garden show is the ideal place to pause and take in what you have seen so far. Sometimes this requires pleasant quiet areas.
17. Fernsehgarten

Am Wasserpark 1
3430 Tulln
The new “Natur im Garten” television garden is a filming location and backdrop for the popular television program “Natur im Garten” with organic gardener Karl Ploberger. The garden is characterized by special natural garden elements, such as a hill with insect-friendly, low-watering prairie shrubs, shade and swamp beds and dry stone walls as popular and varied habitats. A wicker teepee is a natural and shady place for children to play.
18. Therapiegarten

Österreichische Gartenbau-Gesellschaft (ÖGG)
Siebeckstrasse 14, Top 1.4
1220 Wien
“Feel good” is the motto of this therapy garden. Here you can find relaxation in the various areas of the so-called quiet garden. Garden therapy uses plants preventatively and therapeutically and has a positive effect on many levels.
Colors, sounds, scents, different surfaces and tasty fruits allow people to enjoy all of their five senses. Depending on the therapeutic goal and physical condition, the individual elements must be tailored to the respective needs of the different clients.
19. Hortensienreigen

Am Wasserpark 1
3430 Tulln
A lush planting of hydrangeas with hostas and rue conjures up romantic garden images and lets you forget everyday life. The different types are graded in height, rising towards the edges. This creates a cheerful, partially shaded garden dream. Snowballs complement planting in the sunnier sections. Wooden benches offer a breather during the tour.
20. Englischer Garten

Kate Gould Gardens
26 Aldenham Road
Radlett, WD7 8AX, Vereinigtes Königreich
England's gardens are among the most visited garden spaces in the world. One of the most popular is Sissinghurst Garden, especially the "white garden" that became the epitome of recent English garden culture.
Delicate flowers shimmer in all shades of white in the English garden. Delicate, silver-colored foliage underlines the unobtrusively gentle charm of the flowers used. Stones in mild gray tones add the composition to an attractive frame all year round - whether in the rose garden, in the herb borders or in the gravel garden.
The fineness of the height gradation, a long-lasting flowering period and a harmonious variety of colors in the planting require excellent botanical knowledge and are characteristics of the highly developed English garden culture.
21. Terrassengarten

ARGE Wohnen NÖ
Wohnbauplatz 1
3820 Raabs an der Thaya
The proximity to the house or apartment makes terraces the ideal outdoor living room. Relaxing and enjoying, but also being active in gardening, is possible there. The variations shown here offer practical suggestions for different requirements and style preferences.
The paving with gray natural stone slabs creates a modern atmosphere. On the other hand, terracotta tiles, clay pots with summer flowers and potted plants such as lemon or fig provide a “touch of the south”. A brick raised bed even creates space for small fruit trees, which are planted underneath with a strawberry meadow.
A pergola provides support for climbing plants such as wild vine, but climbing vegetables such as runner beans also provide privacy from prying eyes. Practical and useful things for families can be achieved with a snack bar, barbecue area and a comfortable seating area.
22. Spiegelgarten

Konrath Gesellschaft m.b.H
Konrath-Straße 3
2620 Neunkirchen
The garden is surrounded by massive natural stone walls and a louvered fence made of larch wood. A copper beech hedge harmoniously rounds off this border. We invite you to linger on one of the numerous seating options and enjoy the quiet sound of water, the scent from the glass house and the insects in the herbaceous bed. The reflections in the water basin open up new perspectives and allow you to see the garden in a completely different way without changing your location. Take a look at the water surface!
23. Nebelwald

Am Wasserpark 1
3430 Tulln
The cloud forest enchants and takes visitors into a mystical world. Felled tree trunks are erected into support pillars. With brushwood filled in between, opaque walls are created. Tree trunks lying in a row form a border for forest shrubs and shade-loving ferns. Halved oak trunks can be used as seating and lying areas. Whimsically shaped copper beech trees accentuate the unusual character of this abstract forest garden.
24. Home Jungle

Marsveldplein 5
1050 Brussels, Belgien
Almost half of the garden is taken up by a glass house, which creates a jungle atmosphere with wild houseplants that can be enjoyed particularly intensively from the integrated seating area. The theme is also consistently pursued in the outdoor area of the garden: lush green plants, some with large leaves, give rise to the idea that the large river nearby is not the Danube, but the Amazon.
Welcome to BIOCANNA's Home Jungle. A green home is not only good for the eyes, but also for physical and mental health. A plant-rich environment boosts immunity, improves concentration and can even relieve depression. Anyone who takes time to relax here will continue to find inspiration for their own home jungle.
25. Vorgarten

Am Wasserpark 1
3430 Tulln
Every front garden shows the life behind the facade! That's why an attractive design all year round is particularly important, with the least possible amount of time spent being a priority for every homeowner.
This model garden shows high-maintenance solitary shrubs (double shield & viburnum), small shrubs (hydrangea & rose), perennials (anemone & lady's mantle) and climbing plants (clematis & ivy). A paved entrance on grit underlines the ecological design and nature in the garden. A plaque on the garden fence shows how much the ecology in the garden is valued by the residents!
26. Ein Garten zum Wohnen

Johannes Schawerda
Hauptstraße 155
2500 Soos
Garden rooms fulfill summer living dreams. Individual preferences for plants and materials create a personal touch. Interior and exterior spaces form a symbiosis. The summer planting with selected varieties of globe thistle, sweet candle and clary sage welcomes you cheerfully and lightly.
A wall made of friendly, warm sand-lime bricks and a cube as a passage separate the front garden and courtyard. A Japanese wisteria conquers the house wall, a fig uses the protective heat storage. Refreshing water in the brick water basin and a paved seating area convey a holiday feeling. The Mediterranean atmosphere is enhanced by the striking flower borders and the oxide red and lavender blue walls leading to the adjoining herb garden.
A curved hem made of fragrant saint's herb and dwarf boxwood keeps the abundance of spicy herbs in shape. Along the wooden slatted fences, kiwis and wine climb towards the sun. A paved path made of hand-picked rolled gravel leads through the garden, elaborately laid in mosaic form in prominent places. At the end of this axis, an ensemble of stone walls with a bench, hornbeam hedge and flowering shrubs attracts the eye.
27. Gräsermeer

Am Wasserpark 1
3430 Tulln
A sea of delicate grasses becomes a sensory experience. The characteristic ornamental grasses sway gently in the wind. They delight us with their long inflorescences, especially in midsummer. You can relax comfortably on loungers in the free sandy areas. Typical spring bloomers such as wood anemones and milk star are scattered between the clumps of grass. The delicate flowers refresh the eye after the long winter.
28. Wachau-Garten

Fritz der Gärtner
Bachstraße 23
3622 Elsarn
Gartengestaltung Schranzhofer
Amstall 18
3622 Mühldorf
Over thousands of years, a cultural landscape that is unique in the world emerged in the Wachau. Stone walls form terraced vineyards, almonds, apricots, vineyard peaches and even rare fruits such as quince, yellow spilling and sweet chestnut characterize the landscape.
Dry grasslands form the transition between vineyards and the Wachau forests. Pasqueflowers, cinquefoil and chartreuses are some of the beauties of the dry grassland community. Two arbors offer protection from the weather and are also meeting points for advice and workshops.
29. Biopool

Hackner Bio-Pools - Meistergärten
Burgfriedstrasse 6/EG Süd
3300 Amstetten
Refreshment on hot summer days and fun swimming in your own garden - that is probably the dream of many. But please, without any chemicals. The biopool makes this possible because it combines the advantages of a swimming pool with those of a biotope. The spacious swimming area is flanked on one side by a biofilter area surrounded by natural stone walls. In addition to the visual stimuli, the aquatic plants provide additional support for the biological filter system. On the other side, a strip of gravel and gravel tempts you to warm up in the sun.
There are no clarifying chemicals in the biopool. A sophisticated biological filter system keeps the water clean and natural. The optimized ratio of water volume to filter area and constant water movement ensure a sufficient supply of oxygen. Damaging substances and germs are broken down. The water surface is constantly cleaned using a skimmer with a sieve. All of this guarantees a swimming paradise with the best water quality.
Since cooling down after a sauna session is particularly refreshing, the sauna is the perfect addition to the biopool to create an open-air wellness temple.
30. Weidendickicht

Am Wasserpark 1
3430 Tulln
A dream in green for children and adults. Willow sticks up to five meters long, planted close together in the ground, form a fresh green thicket with their shoots. The narrow trail is covered with chopped wood. It invites you to playfully explore the jungle-like riparian forest.
31. Gesundheitswassergarten

Erlebnisgärten Kittenberger
Laabergstrasse 15
3553 Schiltern
Reinhard Kittenberger consistently implements what Austria's fitness pope Willi Dungl defined as the three pillars of health in his garden planning. Physical exercise, ingredients for a diet rich in vital nutrients and mental relaxation can be achieved right on your doorstep.
Water is the source of life. A small waterfall rises from a rock garden and flows over a curved stream into the swimming pond. A pump system with a specially animal-friendly skimmer pool ensures continuous circulation and biological cleaning of the precious element. Kneipp in the cool water or swimming amidst naturally arranged plants delights body and soul.
The view from the sunny wooden deck of the pond, surrounded by calming greenery, offers pure relaxation. A raised bed with a built-in bench made of natural stone captures the warmth of the sun and the scent of aromatic herbs. With the fireplace in front of it, this place becomes the focal point for evening socializing. The power circle with amethyst stones gives new life force. A Feng Shui guided path system ensures the harmonious flow of energy in the garden.
32. Rosengarten

Praskac Pflanzenland
Praskacstrasse 101-108
3430 Tulln - Freundorf
A separate garden on the grounds of DIE GARTEN TULLN is dedicated to the rose, the queen of flowers.
In the inner core of an oval-shaped bed, conspicuous metal columns rise skyward, a direction also taken by the rose varieties “Amadeus”, “Golden Gate” and “Ghislane de Feligonde” that climb on them.
Of course, the robust wooden arches over the circular path are also overgrown with roses and the Eleo pavilion not only serves as an elegant design element, but also as a support for rambler roses.
These correspond harmoniously with the English roses, which combine the scent and charm of the historic roses with long-lasting flowering. In typical English style, flowering perennials make charming companions.
Robustness and health determine the representative selection of bed and noble roses such as the new varieties “Barockstadt St. Pölten” and “Blumenstadt Tulln” in honor of the cities that give them their names. At the feet of gabions, ground cover roses spread their lush blooms from May to October.
33. Portugiesischer Garten

Francisco Manuel Caldeira Cabral
Rua Filipe Folque n 10 - 2esq
1050-113 Lisboa, Portugal
This international garden creates a horticultural combination of the elements of water and wine, flowers and art. Water bands inspired by Moorish irrigation canals sweep through the garden.
They structure the lush green open spaces between the summer-flowering perennial beds. The high arcade is covered in tasty grapes. The farmers of Portugal built pergolas to facilitate the grape harvest. These were adopted as decorative elements in stately and urban gardens.
An Asian Zen garden cites the seafaring nation's voyages of discovery. Hidden in the bamboo grove, large stone blocks in a strictly arranged pattern of black marble and white gravel refer to eastern spirituality.
34. Garten der Erkenntnis

Winkler Garten- und Landschaftsplanung
Viehdorferstraße 56
3300 Amstetten
Say it through the flowers... 100 years of the Republic... red-white-red flowers decorate a garden that invites you to relax and reflect.
The sculpture "Miteinander" by Miguel Horn is surrounded by nine red floribunda roses "Stift Seitenstetten", in white remontant shrub roses "Schneewittchen" connect the red climbing roses "Sympathie" on the two trellises. Between the roses there are perennial foliage and flowering shrubs, following the color composition. Red-white-red is the framework for the diverse and beautiful regions of Austria.
35. Der Urbane Garten

Kleibenzettel Garten + Landschaftsbau GmbH
Nothartgasse 46/1
1130 WIen
Gardens in the city can come in many forms: as lush perennial beds, imaginatively planted troughs, green walls, fruit and vegetables for self-sufficiency or as extensive green roofs. What these solutions have in common is that they work well in urban areas and enhance them ecologically - by creating valuable biotopes and improving the microclimate and air quality. And if you have space for a covered pergola, you can relax under it from the challenges of everyday life and from there enjoy the urban greenery in all its facets.
36. Oase auf der Schotterbank

Sigi Fuchs
A garden without mowing the lawn and yet refreshingly green with splashes of flowers all year round. Is that possible? Inspired by the riparian forest and Danube beach, this small, individual garden for connoisseurs unfolds.
Along the wooden wall, in addition to apple trees, a small selection of rare, but now easily hardy and fruiting fruit trees have been established here: persimmons, Chinese dates and an Indian banana also make the garden a culinary oasis.
Dry-loving grasses and steppe flowers such as globe thistles find ideal conditions on the barren gravel bank. A silver-blue-gray border of willows surrounds the symbolic oxbow lake with a suggested swamp zone made of rushes and horsetail. The red planks of the edging evoke associations with a stranded boat.
A wooden raft made of larch, laid out in perspective, leads across the beach to the oasis. In the cube, which is overgrown with clematis, it is intensely green - in complete contrast to the barren surroundings. Large-leaved figs grow next to a whitebeam tree, which, with its white felted leaves and delicate white flowers, connects the cool, shady interior with the hot outside.
37. Balkongärten

ARGE Wohnen NÖ
Wohnbauplatz 1
3820 Raabs an der Thaya
Balconies are a welcome extension of the living space and feel-good outdoor rooms. Despite the smallest space, a lot is possible even on balconies. On the shady side, elegant perennials create an optimal space for relaxation.
Strength can be found through meditation or gymnastics. Troughs with airy grasses provide a calming setting. The wellness balcony is health-promoting. A straight trough with a calm plant image sets clear accents.
If you want something practical, you can opt for the self-catering balcony with a raised vegetable and herb bed. Strawberries in a plant box, figs in a pot and many other good ideas guarantee unrestricted plant enjoyment on narrow balconies. There is also space for a small table for dinner for two.
38. Streichelgarten

Am Wasserpark 1
3430 Tulln
A variety of leaf, flower and fruit clusters open up a whole world of tactile plant enjoyment. Here you can explore the contrasting physiognomy of perennials and grasses with your eyes open or closed. Soft, caressing, tickling but also stinging. On narrow paths you get up close and personal with cotton wool and miscanthus. A wide variety of dahlia varieties can be admired in the center of the garden.
39. Sortenschatz

Arche Noah
Obere Strasse 40
3553 Schloss Schiltern
Why collect your own seeds?
Propagating seeds yourself is a creative, innovative activity, keeps ancient knowledge alive, and also enables you to exchange ideas with others and pass on seeds. Because plants are alive, and through their own propagation work, everyone can participate a little in the development of our crop diversity.
Here the gardeners at DIE GARTEN TULLN are propagating three cultures from the ARCHE NOAH variety archive in Schiltern. So try it out and start your own seed production! Lettuce and beans are suitable to start with, but you can also easily pick off a few seeds from tomatoes for sowing next year!
40. Natur sucht Garten

"Natur im Garten"
Am Wasserpark 1
3430 Tulln
Respectful coexistence between people and nature creates a high level of quality of life for the whole family. It fulfills the longing for greenery and growth. Leisure time, enjoyment and aesthetic demands are perfectly compatible with organic gardening.
A curved herb and vegetable raised bed borders the living terrace and surrounds the nose with a wave of aromatic scents. The barbecue area by the campfire and a sand basin make children's hearts beat faster.
The hand-forged iron sculpture of a long-legged giant spider is an eye-catcher and inspires loving respect for the many helpful small creatures. A beneficial insect wall offers suitable accommodation for the animal residents. All around, perennial beds weave a colorful ribbon. Rich green is a calming counterpart to the abundance of flowers.
As an experimental zone, the dense uniform lawn will gradually be transformed into a species-rich herb lawn.
41. Augartenparadies

Verein REWISA-Netzwerk
Tulpengasse 8A
4400 Steyr
The REWISA Network (Regional Wild Plants and Seeds) association - an important practical partner of “Natur im Garten” - designed its “Augartenparadies” garden exclusively with native wild plants. It represents a clearing in the floodplain that used to be here. The garden shows that native wildflowers and perennials are ideal for garden design. “Naturally” mixed at the edges, colorfully arranged in the central herbaceous bed.
42. Chill-out Garten

Kramer & Kramer Gartengestaltungs GmbH
Bernhard Kramer
Hauptstrasse 18
3441 Zöfing
The good old idleness and casual lazing around have recently been given a youthful language in this country with the English made-up word “Chill out”. Modern garden architecture is also looking for new styles and scores with clear lines, simple colors, strict shapes and cool materials.
This contemporary relaxation garden skilfully plays with design, architecture and plants. The raised terrace space - a wooden deck made of IPE (ironwood) - is shaded by a red awning. It is surrounded by bamboo, miscanthus and grasses with variegated, white and black foliage.
The gentle rippling of the water gives this oasis harmony and balance. The slightly lower barbecue area invites you to socialize and enjoy culinary delights. A stainless steel fire bowl is a welcome change from conventional grills.
Summer linden trees cut into cones provide plant-based shading and spatial division.
43. Trendy Gardens

Schmudermayer Gartendesign GmbH
Fasanstraße 11a
3430 Tulln
Personal preferences and current trends can be realized in every garden. With a clear division into garden spaces, different styles merge into a harmonious overall experience. In muted black and red, the connecting clinker path meanders through three very different garden themes.
Not only the design is trendy, but also the English name.
"Water & Stone" follows nature's relaxed example. A watercourse finds its way through bizarrely layered rock formations and flows into a small pond, surrounded by lush greenery, sunny flowers and fragrant grasses.
“Roses & Flowers” offers gravel places to rest between the fragrant splendor of roses and a shimmering sea of flowers. The striking element is a fully grown trumpet tree that has an eventful life story to tell.
“Style & Architecture” conveys calm and elegance through subtle planting in shades of white and green. The formal eye-catcher is the brick water basin with a wide veil of water that emerges from the delicate masonry.
44. Hexentanz

Anton Starkl GmbH
Gärtnerstrasse 4
3430 Frauenhofen/Tulln
The very name “Hexentanz” makes you curious. His main characters are very special trees that, thanks to their perfect topiary and bizarre growth, are reminiscent of the shapes of witches and seem to dance in the garden.
Particularly striking in this garden is the forty-year-old Austrian black pine, an extremely valuable "giant bonsai" measuring eight meters high and wide. A gnarled weeping copper beech with red foliage and three hornbeams, which have been trained to be idiosyncratic "witches' brooms" since early childhood, provide further unusual effects.
Bright perennial beds with purple bells and red storksbills grow at the feet of a red-leaved trumpet tree.

Weingut KOCH
Winzerstraße 26
3701 Großweikersdorf
Garten Haas
Zwingendorf 39
2063 Zwingendorf
Baumschule Gartenbau Hummel
Niederschleinz 58
3721 Limberg
Wine and nuts are an ideal combination – in the garden and for enjoyment. The Wagram, a mountain range in Lower Austria, was created by the erosion of the Danube. The loess soil typical of the region is very calcareous, water-permeable and nutrient-rich and the climate is very mild. As a wine-growing region with the Grüner Veltliner variety typical of the region, Wagram has a long tradition, as does the Wagramer Nuss. The main variety is the real walnut (Juglans regia L.), a traditional fruit that accompanies wine and is used in numerous regional specialties.
46. Digitalisierungsgarten

Brantner Österreich GmbH
Dr.-Franz-Wilhelm-Straße 2a
3500 Krems an der Donau
“Digitalization” is the motto of our Smart Garden. What does that mean? Through networked, sensor-controlled measuring stations in the garden, such as air humidity sensors, soil moisture sensors, rain sensors, wind sensors or depth measuring sensors, we open up new and modern possibilities for listening into the depths of the garden. Meanwhile, fresh, 100% peat-free and, above all, nutrient-rich organic soil from the Brantner green solutions soil supply the plants in a natural way, through the use of our organic compost of the highest quality class A+ and various organic organic fertilizers. From now on, you can visualize whether the plants are properly cared for or even thrive in the right place from the collected data.
Do you want to know how this works? Scan Robin's QR code - it will tell you the hidden secrets from our garden.
47. Garten der Generationen

Landarbeiterkammer Niederösterreich
Marco d´Avianogasse 1/1
1015 Wien
This garden should be a place to linger where children and adults feel comfortable. With its various materials, the barefoot path makes nature tangible for visitors. While adults can make themselves comfortable on the wooden seating elements and enjoy the calming effect of the water feature, the small orchard with strawberries, berry bushes and Che fruit invites the younger generation to snack. With the hidden wooden building blocks in the chest, children can learn about local types of wood and thus an important environmentally friendly raw material in a playful way.
48. Formensprache

EOLAS Gartengestaltung
Kühweid 34
4362 Bad Kreuzen
The companies Eolas Steinbauer and Gartenmanufaktur Dollberger span a wide range from organic-traditional to linear-modern orientations in garden design in a small area. Sophisticated visual relationships between the two garden spaces and a well thought-out transition show the variety of possible combinations in garden design.
49. Ökosystem Obstbaum

Ökocampus 3
3532 Ottenstein
T: +43 2826/211 66
Under the large crown of the standard trees there is enough space for a seat, hammock and sandpit. Quickly supporting trellises add interesting design accents.
A special attraction for small gardens is the multi-variety apple tree with fruits of different ripening times. Wild fruit supplements the year-round supply from our own garden.
Tree slices planted with herbs, meadows, flower lawns, cottage garden herbaceous borders, bird nesting boxes, stone harvesting and rice cutting piles, water troughs and insect hotels contribute to the ecological balance.
50. Vita-m(e)in-viertel

Obstbaumschule Schreiber
Schubertstrasse 23
2170 Poysdorf
Fruit from your own garden is a tasty source of vitamins. With the right choice of variety and appropriate storage, fresh fruit can be served at any time of the year.
Traditional and modern types of fruit and berries are suitable suppliers for your personal Vita-m(e)in-viertel. Harvest time is from June to November.
Cherries open the fruity dance, followed by apricots. Freshly picked from the tree, summer apples, currants and raspberries enrich the fruit offering from mid-July onwards, and the garden year ends with particularly sweet and rich plums, autumn and winter apples.
51. Egon Schiele Garten

Stadtgemeinde Tulln
Minoritenplatz 1
3430 Tulln
The expressionist work of the famous Tulln artist Egon Schiele is translated here into the language of garden art. Quotes from images such as clotheslines, nudes and mirrors, which can be seen through windows or picture frames, bring about an intensive examination of Schiele's work.
A stone sculpture and a broken chain symbolize the dramatic upheavals in his childhood and youth in Tulln. The design of the garden gives an idea of the imagery of the time and creates the feeling of walking through a painting.
52. Altes Wissen - Neue Vielfalt

LAKO - Landwirtschaftliche Koordinationsstelle
Landhausplatz 1
3109 St. Pölten
Gartenbaufachschule Langenlois
Am Rosenhügel 15
3550 Langenlois
The diversity in the agricultural technical schools is expressed through a wide range of guided tours and workshops. Thanks to the garden workshop and garden kitchen, this garden “lives” and invites you to join in.
Generations of gardeners have developed a variety of local vegetable plants, herbs and flowers. A selection of the great variety of cultivated plants is shown in raised beds with mixed cultures and decorative ornamental beds.
With their wealth of aromas, colors and shapes, old arrivals from overseas such as potatoes and tomatoes are once again becoming sought-after collectibles for contemporary taste hunters. Young newcomers such as Andean berries, yacon root, Malab spinach or sliced cucumber and much more arouse curiosity and the joy of experimentation and are enjoying new popularity. Choose your favorites. This is how old knowledge is combined with new diversity.
53. Bibelgarten

Diözese St. Pölten
Domplatz 1
3100 St. Pölten
Plants that appear in the Bible grow in this garden. The sun sail is reminiscent of the tent of God in the people of Israel, as well as the normadic times of the wandering people of God. There is a fish mosaic in the space that the tent spans. Fish were the identifying symbol of the first Christians. The twelve stools made of tree trunks are reminiscent of the twelve apostles and the twelve tribes of Israel. On the way to the source stone, the barrenness of the desert is indicated on one side and on the other side, with wheat fields, flowers and vines, the fullness of life that God wants to give us. A seat in the shape of an open book invites you to read the "book of books", the Bible.
54. Garten Alpinum

Österreichischer Siedlerverband
Landesorganisation Niederösterreich
Siebenbrunnenfeldgasse 1d/16/1
1050 Wien
In this special garden, the mountains are brought into the garden show. The Alpinum is a special rock garden with a focus on alpine flora and plants from high alpine regions.
Stones and rocks recreate the landscape in the high mountains and a raised hill makes you want to wander. A small fountain with a stream brings life into the rock garden and the calming effect invites you to linger and enjoy.
The name "The Little Ötscher" is intended to refer to the model, the striking mountain in the Lower Austrian Limestone Alps, which can also be clearly seen from the Baumwipfelweg.
55. Tullnerfeld - gestern, heute, morgen
FUER Königstetten
Tieffeldgasse 16
3433 Königstetten
For centuries, the Tullnerfeld was a landscape characterized by agricultural structures with wet meadows full of flowers and fields for self-sufficiency. Now we are rapidly heading towards an uncertain future in Vienna’s “Speckgürtel”. Does nature have to fall by the wayside in this departure or are we securing a place for plants and animals just in time?
The Tullnerfeld Garden provides information about the forgotten past, shows the challenges of the present and encourages us to think about how we want to live in the future.
A cooperation between the Lower Austrian Nature Conservation Association and the environmental group FUER Königstetten as part of an EU project (LEADER).
56. Bayerischer Biergarten

Bayerische Landesanstalt für Weinbau und Gartenbau
Ab der Steige 15
D-97209 Veitshöchheim
Maintain the tried and tested, shape progress. Nothing captures the Bavarian attitude to life like the beer garden. It has always been the epitome of freedom, serenity and simplicity. The Bavarian beer garden is a meeting place for young and old, for locals and newcomers, for smart people and for those with a taste. And even if it is still so hot in summer and the typical chestnut tree has to be replaced by other trees: you can live, enjoy and philosophize about the future in the shade of the beer garden.
57. Liebesgarten

Am Wasserpark 1
3430 Tulln
The ring-shaped “Liebesgarten” in which lovers can say “I do” is all about love and eternity.
Fragrant roses, white-flowering lavender and white hydrangeas create a romantic atmosphere. If the emotion becomes too great, two handkerchief trees provide relief, at least in name. The picture is completed by two water lily pools, a raised altar for the wedding ceremony and stone walls for seating for the wedding party.
Fantastic photo opportunities for the most beautiful day in your life are available throughout the DIE GARTEN TULLN area.
58. Forschergarten

Am Wasserpark 1
3430 Tulln
Since 2011, school classes and families with children have had a new garden that is perfectly tailored to their needs. The research garden follows the principle “from students for students”. It was planned by the winners of the 1st youth garden competition. School classes from the Wagram region designed their ideal garden.
The winning project from Grafenwörth includes, among other things, a pond, a snack hedge and much more.
59. Karl Plobergers "kraut&rüben" Garten

"Natur im Garten"
Am Wasserpark 1
3430 Tulln
Organic gardener Karl Ploberger's model garden is being created here as part of the ORF show "Natur im Garten". Over the course of the gardening season, a garden grows here little by little to enjoy and feel good about.
Crunchy vegetables in the beds promise healthy and vitamin-rich food, a snack corner with berry bushes and other delicacies will delight many a sweet tooth and a shady seating area invites you to relax and linger. Flowering perennial beds make every garden lover's heart beat faster.
Even the small biotope attracts attention from all areas of the garden. Every Sunday afternoon on ORF 2 you can learn tricks from the professionals and follow the development of Ploberger's garden at the garden show.
60. Baumraum - Raumbaum

Anton Starkl GmbH
Gärtnerstrasse 4
3430 Frauenhofen/Tulln
Climate change shows how important the tree and its numerous functions are. Trees are not only the basis of entire ecosystems and provide sustainable building and raw materials as well as energy. They can produce oxygen and bind CO2, are sun and wind protection, a natural air conditioning system, dust filter, soil protector, soil improver and water storage. They have a calming effect and increase well-being. They define and connect spaces with a positive CO2 footprint.
61. Holz im Garten

Fachverband der Holzindustrie Österreichs
Schwarzenbergplatz 4
1030 Wien
“Holz im Garten” shows the climate-friendly solution for modern terraces and facades. The effects of climate change are also evident in domestic forests, which is why forestry is increasingly relying on sustainable, actively managed mixed forests. Properly laid wooden terraces are an optimal application for the renewable raw material of the future.
After 12 years of “research terrace” at Holzforschung Austria and the involvement of numerous partners in the wood industry with over 70 test fields, we are pleased to be able to pass on to you the knowledge we have gained about the correct use of wood in the garden.
62. Grünwand

Dachgrün GmbH
Ottakringerstraße 180/22
1160 Wien
The green wall is a vertical greening system that allows all types of walls to be greened both outside and inside, regardless of location. The metal fireproof vegetation supports can even be used to plant plants on the facades of high-rise buildings. The vegetation supports are filled with planting substrate, planted with proven perennial species and then watered automatically. This wall green system enables the combination of clear architecture and flowering variety across the seasons and combines passive building cooling and biodiversity.
The north side of the display wall is covered with environmentally friendly stone fiberboard. A tried and tested facade material, which is designed here as a vegetation support, as a plant wall offering root space for perennials on the one hand and dwarf trees on the other.
On the west side there is a climbing wall, a climbing aid or trellis - a lattice-like structure made of glass-reinforced plastic (GRP). It offers optimal support to twining, tendriling and spreading climbing plants. The plants on the trellis grow in a ground-bound or trough-bound manner.
With floor, trough and wall-mounted greening systems, our living spaces can be shaded and cooled, while the leaves and flowers provide habitat and food for our wildlife.
63. Windskulpturenpark

windART Lackner
Primussiedlung 19
8661 St. Barbara im Mürztal
Wind is made here – about art, about your dream of the garden and about you! Perfectly placed on the stylized, very windy Baltic Sea coastal landscape of the previous garden design at this point, sculptures made of stainless steel and patina create a harmonious and stimulating oasis of balance. From gentle movement in very light winds to spectacular but guaranteed safe effects in stormy weather, there is always something to marvel at here.
64. Obstbaumwiese

Calonder Landscape Studio
The “Zerschnittene Obstwiese” examines the extent to which new designs can influence our perception of familiar garden typologies and thereby transform them from the everyday into the special. By transforming a very common typology, in this case that of the orchard, we can look at it from a different angle.
The site's existing apple tree grid was preserved and a symbolic meadow of ornamental grasses was created under the trees. Instead of the usual ground-covering grass area, the meadow is cut into defined strips and distributed under the trees.
The resulting pattern shows the orchard in a new light, while remaining true to its origins.
65. Garten Arboretum
Am Wasserpark 1
3430 Tulln
Collecting trees is more laborious than stamps, but much more rewarding. The variety of shrubs and small trees for the garden is almost limitless. Here we would like to show a specially selected part of it: special features such as wintergreen deciduous trees, striking bark, scent, unusual flowering times and growth forms and, last but not least, coniferous trees. Extensive new plantings, designed for future decades, were linked to the existing inventory and invite you on a journey of discovery through the passion for collecting botany.
66. Pilzgarten

Waldviertler Pilzgarten
Mistelbach 28
3922 Großschönau
Here mushrooms are shown as fruits of the forest and some of them can actually be “grown”. When growing mushrooms, we recommend edible species that decompose wood or straw, such as various mushrooms or the shiitake mushroom. Mushrooms are also grown for medicinal purposes. These include the hedgehog beard or the shiny Lackporling. Mushrooms are frugal fellows. They prefer to grow in shady garden locations. Out of consideration for the next visitors: please only look at it and do not harvest it!
67. Muster-Schulgarten "Natur im Garten"

"Natur im Garten"
Am Wasserpark 1
3430 Tulln
School open spaces close to nature support open forms of learning in a wide range of teaching subjects as well as the development of a healthy and intimate relationship with nature. Here we show a versatile school garden that meets the central needs of children, young people and teachers: both in class, during breaks and in free time.
Our central themes in the school garden are: teaching and learning, creativity, movement, recreation and communication.
68. Botanische Besonderheiten aus Niederösterreich

Am Wasserpark 1
3430 Tulln
Endemics are organisms that only occur in a limited area. The Lower Austria endemics of the inner circle only occur naturally in Lower Austria, the sub-endemics of the outer circles also cross national borders in nature. Due to its location on the edge of the Ice Age glaciation, there are a relatively large number of endemic plant species or subspecies in Austria, namely 151. 44 of them also occur in Lower Austria, seven species only in this federal state.
69. Seerosenteich

Am Wasserpark 1
3430 Tulln
Marsh and aquatic plants are more diverse and colorful than is widely known. The water lily ponds are home to the largest part of the collection of hardy water lilies and irises at DIE GARTEN TULLN, the largest collection of this type in Austria, as well as numerous other interesting plants. Plants from the nursery of the first breeder of hardy water lilies, Joseph Bory Latour-Marliac, inspired Claude Monet. From Marliac's first breeding to the latest, there is a lot to see here.
70. Rundum grün: Pflanzen für Fassaden und Dächer
"Natur im Garten"
Am Wasserpark 1
3430 Tulln
Plants turn walls into real eye-catchers. They have a positive effect on the microclimate by shading facades or pergolas. They also evaporate water and cool the environment on hot summer days. Our flowering plants provide food and shelter. At the GARDEN hall, ground-based climbers climb the east side using suitable climbing systems. On the west side, trough plants grow downwards from the roof of the hall. The green roof of the hall is a valuable pasture for insects with various types of Sedum.
Im Restaurant GAUMENWEIDE lässt es sich besonders idyllisch auf der großen Terrasse am Seerosenteich speisen. Wasserspiele mit Musik und der Blick in die Gärten bieten ein außergewöhnliches Ambiente. Für angemeldete Sonderveranstaltungen steht die Location auch außerhalb der offiziellen Öffnungszeiten zur Verfügung.
geöffnet täglich von 09:30 bis 18:00 Uhr
Reservierungen unter Tel. +43 (0)664 793 16 00 oder unter office@gaumenweide.at
Feiern Sie Ihre besonderen Momente bei uns im Restaurant GAUMENWEIDE auf der GARTEN TULLN!
Ab sofort können Sie Ihre persönliche Feier – sei es eine Firmenweihnachtsfeier, ein Geburtstag oder ein Jubiläum – bei uns buchen. Unsere wunderschönen Räumlichkeiten bieten Platz für bis zu 200 Personen.
Bayerischer Biergarten
Der Bayerische Biergarten lädt zum Verweilen, Kommunizieren und Entspannen ein. Hier werden die Gäste mit blau-weißen Spezialitäten durch die Profis des Restaurants GAUMENWEIDE kulinarisch verwöhnt. Bäume sorgen für Schatten und im Sommer für angenehme Kühlung.
geöffnet täglich von 11:00 bis 17:00 Uhr
Gartenvinothek WEIN•GE•NUSS
Bei einem edlen Glas Wein vom Wagram sowie kleinen Snacks und saisonalen Spezialitäten kann man im Garten WEIN•GE•NUSS Heurigenatmosphäre genießen.
Mehr als 20 verschiedene Bouteillenweine vom Leichtwein über Barriquewein bis hin zum Eiswein können in der neuen Gartenvinothek WEIN•GE•NUSS des Weinguts Koch verkostet und eingekauft werden. Darüber hinaus finden sich auch Frizzante, Edelbrände, Liköre, Traubensaft, Verjus sowie Marmeladen und Chutneys aus eigener Erzeugung im Sortiment.
geöffnet täglich von 11:00 bis 18:00 Uhr
(Ausnahme Schlechtwetter)